Tuesday, February 11, 2014

So what's on this weeks reading list:
Making HOme by Shron Astyk
Unconditonal Parenting by Alfie Kohn
The Artists Way for Parents Raising Creative Children by Julie Cameron
Heaven on Earth by Sharifa Oppenheimer-loving this one...
The Artful Parent by Jean Van'T Hul
Nurturing the Soul fo your Family by Renee peterson Trudeau
Creative Play for your toddler by Christopher Clouder
Remember that you don't need to read every page and every chapter.  Flip through the sections and notice what calls to your interests.  There are so many books out there that if you read through every page you would never get a chance to look at so many more.  Thats just my philosophy.
The challenge of the week is to get the baby (almost 3) to sleep through the night (1) and in his own bed (2).
I will again begin the transition process by moving him to his room and sleeping on the twin.  I think I will also make him a chart that shows him his bedtime routine.  Here's hoping that by the end of Feb, everyone will be in their own rooms again.  I admit I love snuggling with him every night but he is a bed hog.

1 comment:

  1. I love that Alfie Kohn book~ such wise words. I most often call to mind him saying (to remember in the more trying moments) "he/she isn't giving you a hard tim, he/she is *having* a hard time".

    Good luck with getting the sleep (and sleep arrangements) that work best for you and your family! Claire is finally to the point where she'll sleep all night, or just come crawl in with us at some point. Not much effort or energy needed from me anymore, which is such a welcome change from her earlier years. Of course, it's still lots of mama at bedtime, but now that I realize that really won't last forever, I'm alright with it ;)
